No matter what you do in your personal and professional time, you’re pretty well bound to suffer from muscle soreness at some point. Whether you’re a computer programmer who’s stuck at a desk all day or a construction worker who spends most of their time outside, we all get aches and pains that can make winding down and falling asleep at night rather difficult.
If muscle pain is a familiar problem for you, chances are you’ve tried many of the over-the-counter drugs that specifically target muscle soreness. But let’s face it, no one wants to take painkillers several times a day, so the next option is natural remedies. Let’s take a look at a number of surprisingly effective natural pain relievers.
1. Melatonin
Insomnia, pain, and specifically muscle pain, is often cited by people who struggle to get some decent sleep at night. Put simply, it can be incredibly tough to get to sleep if your brain is constantly sending alarm signals through your nerve endings.
That’s where melatonin can be a big help. This natural herb has been used for ages to help people wind down and get to sleep. And it’s helpful not just because it can provide a full night of natural rest, but because it can help block some of the signals our brain sends out when it detects pain.